Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rhododendron cuttings?

Has anyone taken cuttings from a rhododendron before. How can you do this succesfully? Im a beginner gardener.

Rhododendron cuttings?
The simplest and most foolproof way is to layer one or more of the branches.

All you have to do is take a low branch and peg it down into the soil, if you damage the branch slightly by scraping off a little of the bark at the point where it will be touching the soil then this will encourage it to make roots.

If you do not have a branch that is low enough you could place a pot filled with soil at a height to suit the plant and peg the branch into that. Just make sure that you do not allow the pot to dry out.

Reply:well i have i just took a hard wood .didn't do anything Fancy just made sure there was a tail when i pulled it off i leave it in a small jar of water till it roots it worked for me i have some azalea's as well rootlng my dad showed me years ago.don't need any of the Fancy stuff they sell.good luck



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