Friday, November 13, 2009

Can my brother in law be allergic to a rhododendron plant?

every time now in the past month since these were planted his face swells and sinuses get clooged and he feels miserable after being out in the front yard for 15 minutes or more. the plants are on either side of the front porch.

He has no problem just walking by them but he can't stay in the front yard for very long with out looking like someone punched him in the face and eyes swell shut and nasal passsages clog up. Please help he has been to 2 doctors and they gave him amoxicillain and send him on his way.Thanks

Can my brother in law be allergic to a rhododendron plant?
a person can be allergic to anything so he might be!! i would say more but i have to go cya !! =)

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