Friday, November 13, 2009

When is the best time to prune a rhododendron?

I think right after it blooms. After that it starts forming next years flower buds and any cutting will reduce the flowers for next year.

When is the best time to prune a rhododendron?
The time to prune properly is past in all probability.

Always use hand pruners, latex/rubber gloves, and have a bucket of water at 1cup per gallon of bleach. Dip both the pruner and your hands into the bucket after each cut. Put the cut into a bag before doing this. After pruning, place a granular acid based fert (not a spray) around the plantings and remulch. As an aside, Azalea is a Rhododendron and needs the same care!

Not to worry if you missed the time. Mother's Day, Weddings, Father's Day, etc. Do it now!! Remove any dead and any remaining buds from either plants. Do not fert, however, you can mulch.

In the Fall, fert with a granular (not liquid) Acid based balanced fert. Check again for any dead or browned limbs, leaves, etc. Set your calender to the following. Fert all the evergreens at St. Pats, Remove when out of wilt, Fert on Fathers Day, and Columbus Day. Mulch on Tax Day, Memorial Day, and Labor Day.

You may also want to set a schedule to spray the plants for insects based on the variety and temps in your area. Contact your Local County Extension Agent (not the Box Store $5.00 idiot) for real advise as to time and product. Good Luck.

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